January 31, 2015

2014 Beauty Awards Nominations

I need your help. Seriously. I was hoping to have a post up on the best make-up/beauty products of 2014 near the beginning-ish of January, but as you can see, that hasn't happened. So if you could do me one big huge favor... would you fill out the survey that's down below? I want to know what your favorite products of 2014 were! I'll compile the top products and make a giant post about all of them. I'm hoping it will be a great resource to others, so your shared knowledge is appreciated!

UPDATE: The votes are in! Click here to see the best beauty products of 2014!

January 27, 2015

Disneyland Babymoon

For Christmas this year, Andrew surprised me with tickets to Disneyland! Yes, my husband is amazing. We both love Disneyland so it was a perfect destination for a little babymoon getaway. We were able to go this past weekend and it was an absolute blast. Although walking around Disneyland for two days at 29.5 weeks pregnant makes you feel REALLY pregnant. My feet and ankles ached and every muscle was sore by the end of the trip. I think I'm still recovering from all the walking. I'm glad we were able to get in a final vacation before baby boy makes his arrival in ten weeks or so, but I am now content to spend the rest of this pregnancy relaxing at home.

January 25, 2015

Free Fonts

I'm a font hoarder. My computer has approximately 34238429387 fonts downloaded on it. I always love seeing others favorite, so I thought to myself, "Self, why don't you share some of your favorites?". So here they are. (If you're not sure how to download and install fonts on your computer, here's a great tutorial.)

January 12, 2015

Hello Third Trimester Bumpdate

How far along? 27 weeks and five days. Seven months already! Baby is the size of: a rutabaga. Baby boy is over a foot long and weighs around two pounds. Maternity clothes? Yes! I live in leggings and loose tops. Sleep? Sleep has actually improved. But to get through the day, a 2-3 hour nap is required. Movement? Lots and lots of it! Baby boy is a mover and shaker. Food cravings? Ramen noodles which is the weirdest thing. I also have been loving milkshakes lately. Showing? I sure am. I think it's all sorts of fun to have a bump. Weight gain/loss? After gaining back all the weight I lost from morning sickness, I have gained an additional 8 pounds on top of that. I have a feeling a lot more weight will be gained throughout the remaining weeks. Belly button in or out? It's attempting to become an outie. It looks quite funny in its in-between stage. Stretch marks? I haven't noticed any yet and I attribute that to slathering on coconut oil. Happy or moody? Still happy. There have been a few tears shed for no reason at all, but my mood is usually good. Looking forward to: ...well, I can tell you what I'm not looking forward to- my glucose test in the morning. Wish me luck!

Dress: eShakti | Shoes: DSW | Belt: (similar)
(Dress no longer available, shoes no longer available, and I can't remember where I got my belt. Fail.)

I have to rave about this dress for a second. I'm sure almost all of you have heard about eShakti by now. I love, love, love them because they'll let you customize your dress by adding sleeves or changing the neckline or lengthening the hemline, ecetra and so forth. But the very best thing about dresses from eShakti? All their dresses have pockets! If that's not the best thing in the world, I don't know what is.

Follow along with my pregnancy:

January 5, 2015

Christmas Around Here

I didn't really have my camera out for any of Christmas, but here are the few pictures I did manage to take (most are from my phone). Even with the lack of photo proof, we had a great Christmas. It made me really excited for this time next year when we have baby boy here to join in on all the fun.

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