July 29, 2015

It is your birthday.

Happy birthday to Andrew, my favorite husband and Taylor's favorite dad. We're so lucky to have you in our lives. Thanks for being born 29 years ago.

July 27, 2015

San Diego Family Vacation

Two weeks ago we were lucky enough to go to San Diego with our Snow family. We vacationed in a house two blocks from the beach and spent the week playing board games, being entertained by the nieces and nephews, and frolicking on the beach. We live a hard life, yo. 

This was Taylor's first trip and he did great! He slept the entire six hour drive there (can you say dream baby). Although, once we were in San Diego, he refused to take naps because he didn't want to miss out on the party, but he made up for it by sleeping through the night. That kid has already learned the art of compromise.

Now for an unnecessary amount of pictures...

July 13, 2015

Lovely Links, Vol. 4

+I have listened to Vocal Point's version of Homeward Bound approximately 1372489 times. It is so good. Watch the music video here.

+This tongue-in-cheek article about the new rage of "waterslide births" shows the funnier side of parenting opinions.

+Kid President always puts a smile on my face. This video dedicated to moms especially warmed my heart.

+If you haven't seen it floating around yet, here's the first chapter of Harper Lee's "Go Set a Watchman" (you can buy the whole book here, it goes on sale tomorrow).

+Any Bachelorette watchers out there? These are by far the funniest recaps I've come across.

Want more clicky links?
Vol. 5 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 1

July 3, 2015

3 Months of Taylor

I realize this is such a cliche, but time is going by so fast! Every morning, I feel like my baby has grown up overnight. As sad as it is not to have my tiny little newborn anymore, it's also incredible to see him learning new things every day. He is currently obsessed with his hands and is starting to grab stuff. He's best friends with his toys hanging on his playmate and is starting to notice and smile at Harley. Taylor is just on the brink of laughing too. Right now it's more of a sharp inhale of air, but he's almost there. I just love my little buddy so much.

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