April 11, 2013

Four Things I Was Unaware Of

Number 1: The release of this fantastic song yesterday.
Number 2: The fact that Jimmy Eat World is coming out with an entire album to be released in June.
Number 3: They will also be having concerts all of May in multiple places in Arizona and then in California. I have to go to at least one, if not more.
Number 4: I am the worst fan ever for not knowing any of the aforementioned items. I really need to get with it.

Thank you Katie for your fantastic post and making me aware of everything I was missing including this post on the sandlot, this blog dedicated to the fashionable Ali, and these horrendous street names.
On another note, I will soon be homeless if I don't find a place that accepts Harley's fatness. My HOA won't let me keep a dog over the weight of 20 lbs. Harley needs to lose quite of few pounds and fast seeing as she's currently at 55 lbs.

Don't worry Harley, I don't think you're chunky in the least bit. Maybe just a little... fluffy.
we'll find a place to live that accepts you just the way you are and maybe we'll even be able to get a yard. now wouldn't that be lovely?


  1. i had no idea that Jimmy eat world released a new song OR they had a new album coming out..getting that is a high priority as I prob won't be able to make any of their concerts :( I love J.E.W! i actually was just listening to their stay on my side tonight as i was spring cleaning! and harley!! awhh little girl..i understand you. I am fluffy too. that's a little ridiculous that some places have a weight limit on dogs!? what's the prob?

    1. i am so excited for the new album!! only one and a half more months until we can listen to all that goodness.

  2. Thank you for making me aware of this fantastic news! I've never been to a concert before. I think Jimmy Eat World is the perfect one to start with!
    By the way, I just found your blog, and totally just stalked several weeks worth of posts. I think you and I should be friends. :)


    1. a j.e.w. concert would definitely be a perfect first concert! and i'm so glad you found me! i love new friends!

  3. oh you are very welcome, and I owe YOU for telling me that JEW is touring in May! And now we are going on a roadtrip! Squeeeeeeal!


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