November 25, 2015

25 Days of Christmas: Book Advent Calendar

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've been counting down the days until I could share the holiday magic with my little one. Taylor is still a bit too young to understand what's going on, but I can be excited enough for the both of us this year. Since we're still a new little family, Andrew and I have been trying to think up traditions to start.

When I saw a tradition that involved a countdown to Christmas with books I knew it would be part of our family's celebrations. Instead of an advent calendar (or in addition to if you want to go all out), how about unwrapping a new holiday book each day leading up to Christmas. Books are some of my favorite things in the world. Andrew has to constantly remind me that our baby doesn't need more books (I beg to differ). This is the perfect excuse to purchase some more (or use books you already have) (or you can borrow from the library, wrap them up, and then return them after you're finished).

I have a loooong list of books I want. I've put those plus a few others I've rounded up below so you can be inspired for your 25 books of Christmas.

Did I miss any books that are a must? 
I'll keep updating the list as I find more.

November 5, 2015

7 Months of Taylor

Two days late, but Taylor is seven months old! This month he experienced his first Halloween and has started sleeping through the night! He's becoming a pro at sitting, has mastered the fake cry, and loves to wrinkle his nose when smiling real big.

November 1, 2015

Baby Travel Basket With Huggies

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #HuggiesForHolidays #CVSHuggiesHeroes #CollectiveBias

I can't believe it's already November which means the long awaited holiday season is upon us! I am so excited that this year we get to celebrate with Taylor in tow. People have always told me that holidays are much more fun once you have kids, and it's so true!

As thrilling as it is to now have a kid to share in all the excitement, it can also be a bit challenging. One of those challenges we will be facing this Thanksgiving. Holidays often result in traveling to celebrate with family and friends, but having a baby in the car for any length of time can be a nightmare.  We are headed to California for turkey day which translate to an 8 hour drive to reach our destination. We've already taken a few long car rides with Taylor and have learned some tricks along the way. The trick that has helped us the most is to always have the car stocked with the needed essentials. We keep everything Taylor might need in a basket that stays in the car. Here is everything we have in our travel basket.

Sophie: Taylor is a teething monster right now. He loves Sophie the Giraffe so she goes with us pretty much everywhere. If you're wondering if she's worth the hype (and money), she is. I was skeptical in the beginning too, but I'm glad I decided to make the purchase.

Sippy Cup: Taylor doesn't really drink from it yet, but he loves chewing on the spout. I figured it's good practice for the future and an easy-to-hold teether.

Blanket: We love our Aden + Anais swaddle blankets, so one always goes with us in the car for naps.

Extra Outfit: We haven't suffered from too many blow-outs just yet, but I know as soon as I don't pack an extra outfit, it will happen.

Diapers: Obviously these are needed.

Boudreaux Butt PasteThis is the best diaper rash ointment out there in my opinion. If his bum starts getting a little red, this clears it up instantly.

Huggies Clutch N' Go: This is my new favorite thing. I've always been a fan of Huggies, but this is a game changer. I like the Clutch N' Go for two specific reasons. The first one is rather silly, but I love looking through the different clutches to pick out a new design. Second, the convenience. I think I have one of these in every room of the house. In fact, I like these so much that I made Andrew take us to our local CVS last night in the middle of Halloween festivities to pick up some more when we ran out of the ones in the diaper bag. Plus with Huggies being the number one, dermatologically tested, brand choice for moms, you can't go wrong.

I would love to know how you survive road trips and the holidays with kids, so please share in the comments! You can click here to see how others are using Huggies to survive the holidays and don't forget to visit Huggies website for coupons, parenting tips, and more!

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