August 27, 2014

Provo Weekend

The Steed family used to live conveniently around the corner in the very same apartment complex as Andrew and I. Being only a few steps from each other, many movies were watched, games were played, and Dairy Queen runs were made together.Unfortunately, Kevin and Stephanie recently left us for Provo and we've been quite distraught ever since. So we made sure to get away for a quick trip to Provo to check out their new place and get in lots of twin time as soon as possible. Andrew had a fun time showing me around his old stomping grounds of BYU. And of course we ate a lot. We always do that on vacation.

August 18, 2014

10 Tips For A Happier Life

1. Never use semi-sweet chocolate chips when milk chocolate ones are available. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

2. Binge-watching Netflix is an acceptable way to spend any Friday night.

3. Always lick the bowl clean when cooking brownies or something equally as yummy. I'm pretty sure salmonella was made up to make us enjoy life less.

4. Own a dog at least once in your life. 

5. Celebrate ALL THE HOLIDAYS. If it gives you a reason to eat donuts, make s'mores, or go out for ice cream, don't pass it up. (i.e. September 5th is "be late for something" day so, you know, now you have an excuse to be late that day. It's also cheese pizza day. Find more obscure holidays here.)

6. Invest in some dry shampoo. It will change your life.

7. If you have time to take a nap, don't hesitate. Partaking in a two hour nap will make you infinitely happier.

8. Little Caesars $5 pizzas are an acceptable alternative to a home cooked meal.

9. If you're having a bad day, ice cream is guaranteed to help.

10. When you make a list of things to help improve the quality of life for others and you realize that it only consists of eating unhealthy and being lazy, have no shame and post it anyways.

What are some tips you use in your life? Share them in the comments below.

*This post contains affiliate links.*

August 9, 2014

Chicago: Part 2

On the last morning we spent with everyone in Chicago, we headed to Eatly, an Italian market. I definitely recommend checking it out if you're ever in Chicago. We enjoyed gelato and authentic Italian pizza as our final hurrah together.

August 3, 2014

Chicago: Part 1

Two weeks after we got back from our honeymoon, we headed to Chicago to meet up with Andrew's brother Matt, his wife Mimi, our two nephews, Josh and Jude, and our newest niece, Adele. Matt so happened to have a business meeting there the same weekend as an Aquabats concert. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit Chicago for the first time and go watch Matt and Andrew's favorite band ever. Plus, Matt and Mimi used to live in Chicago so they became our personal tour guide.

As soon as we got off the plane, we headed to Giordano's in Hyde Park to experience real Chicago-style deep dish pizza. After we were filled to the brim with pizza, we headed to the Museum of Science and Industry. We got to stand in a tornado and see a WWII U-boat, which is actually pretty crazy to see in real life. It is huge. Our favorite part of the musuem was probably playing in the kid area with Josh and Jude. Andrew and I had just as much fun as them I think.
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