June 19, 2013

back from the dead

i never want to move again.
this past weekend week has been hectic. moving takes up some serious time and effort.
on the more positive side, i absolutely love my house and my roommates. we had a party the first three nights we owned the place. we had to break it in properly.
then monday came and i started feeling a little funny. i thought i might just be a little exhausted from the shenanigans of the weekend, but the pain and exhaustion only increased. one thermometer reading later and i realized a 102 degree fever ain't messing around. so i wallowed in self-pity the past two days certain i was near death.
but alas, i survived. the fever broke last night and i am a-okay and back in business.

June 13, 2013

quickening heart

i'm on the edge.
my heels are planted firmly on the ground, but my toes hang over quite dangerously.
should i cling on for dear life or free fall into the unknown?
just how do you know when it's time to let go? let go of what you know and want, and; instead, reach for something new and unsure.
it's quite nerve racking, but i like the feeling. the feeling of my pulse quickening and my breath catching as i let myself wonder about the possibilities.
i think it's time to take a chance and allow my body to slip off the edge.
i'm ready to feel the air rush past me. i'm ready for a pair of arms to catch me after the fall.


June 10, 2013

our house is the party house

exciting news. well maybe not for you, but for me... and last time i checked this is my blog to write about anything i want.
anyways, i've finally secured a house to rent with my two girlfriends!
we are moving in this friday and i am thrilled. but that also means i am incredibly busy. i'm trying to centralize the location of everything i own, but so far, it looks like this:
my essentials are with me at my grandma's house.
a majority of my remaining belongings are at my uncle's house.
my bed is at my brother's house.
my dining room table is at my mom's house.
and then there's still some miscellaneous boxes at my old apartment... which i still need to clean.
yeah, i make moving so easy, it's ridiculous (that's sarcasm incase you aren't picking up).
once i do manage to acquire all my assests, our house is going to be bomb. we have a firepit in the back, a huge living area, and a freakin' bar for all the non-alcoholic beverages us mormons mix-up. it's gonna get cray cray (again, sarcasm).
that being said, i may be a little less present on the blog while i get settled, but once i am, you'll get a full house tour. i know, you're dying from the anticipation already.
ps- i've had some strange encounters in the dating world this weekend which include forward hand holding and requests to run away to california to get married. how do i attract these men?
pps- my best friend jenna just had the most beautiful baby. tycie shea entered the world on friday, july 7th, at 7:51 am, weighing 7lbs 7oz. i have been an emotional wreck this weekend not being there with her, but i am so proud of her and excited for her little family.

June 6, 2013

pulled by the tide

whenever life is working out exactly how you planned, how you imagined and dreamed it would all pan out, that's how you know things are about to fall apart.
suddenly, things you once loved are now things you hate. and everything you thought you could depend on is rocky and unstable.
but it's okay. or at least it will be soon.
because you don't need the life you planned. you can live an even better one if you let the wind throw you around for a bit. it might even land you exactly where you need to be.
so give into the changes. run the opposite direction of the usual.
it's time for new paths. new adventures. new experiences.
we grow by mistakes anyways so let's go make some while we're young.


June 5, 2013

etsy pop-up shop and the maine concert

Here's the pictures you've all been dying to see from the Etsy pop-up shop at West Elm Scottsdale. You have all been dying to see them, right? 

Last night (after Taco Tuesday at Cafe Rio, obviously) I went to a free concert at the Tempe Marketplace. I mean, free concert. How can you go wrong?

June 3, 2013

Monday = Fun-Day

My weekend was crazy busy. I was able to participate in the Etsy pop-up shop at West Elm Scottsdale. It was a lot of fun and a great opportunity. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow.
Anyways, today is Monday and I feel it. So here's some funnies because I'm too lazy to blog about anything.


PS- Check out the giveaway at Get Busy Living. I'm giving away a free digital print from my Etsy shop.
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