June 28, 2015

Newborn Products I Can't Live Without

When I used to browse baby products online back in my days of gestating, I would get so overwhelmed. There was tons of stuff that a baby seemed to need and I never knew what would be best to buy for Taylor. Well now that Taylor is here, I can tell you that babies don't need much. As long as you have some diapers and can provide food for them, they're set. 

Of course, there are some things that make life with a newborn easier. I'm sure I'll discover many more products that I absolutely love along the way, but I wanted to do a post of a few of my favorite products thus far. If you have items that you couldn't live without, please let me know in the comments so we can all discover new products that need to be in our lives asap.

1. Baby Swing- This has been a lifesaver at times. When I can't get Taylor to take a nap in his crib, I can almost always get him to sleep in his swing. He's also pretty content in it while he's awake too.

2. Boon Grass Drying Rack- I almost exclusively pump. That leaves me with endless bottles and pump parts to wash. Trust me when I tell you this little drying rack is perfect. Plus, it looks really cute on my counter.

3. Ergo Carrier- Taylor loves the Ergo! As soon as I put him in it, he conks out. I use it whenever we go on walks or grocery shopping. It's also great to use around the house when I need to get things done, but baby wants to be held.

4. Boudreaux’s All Natural Butt Paste- We've been lucky in that we haven't really had to deal with diaper rash yet, but the few times Taylor's little bum has been red we've used this. Within a few hours, the redness is gone.

5. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets- We acquired a lot of blankets and swaddles as gifts. We quickly discovered the best ones to swaddle with are the Aden and Anais blankets, hands down. Taylor is much less likely to break out of his swaddle in the middle of the night when we use these.

6. Play Mat- Over the past month, Taylor has started to enjoy looking up at all his toys and kicking his legs while laying on his mat. He even started reaching for things this week (it's super fun watching him trying to figure out his hands). Taylor stays entertained for about 20 minutes allowing me some baby-free time to get stuff done.

7. MAM Pacifiers- When Taylor was first born, he was an expert at getting his fingers inside the pacifier rings and pulling them out of his mouth.These ones are perfect for him since they don't have the little ring most pacifiers have. Plus, I like all the cute designs available.

What are your baby product must-haves?
Is there something you and baby can't live without?

June 21, 2015

Father's Day

This picture gives me all the feels. Andrew is the absolute best dad. #blessed ;)

June 3, 2015

2 Months of Taylor

We've had Taylor in our lives for two whole months now! As sad as I get folding up his newborn clothes to put away forever (stop getting so big baby boy!), it's also exciting to start getting lots of Taylor smiles and coos now. He's a little sweetheart and I couldn't imagine my days without my buddy Taylor.

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