April 29, 2015

Lovely Links, Vol. 3 (Mommy Edition)

Feeding a baby every three hours provides a lot of time stuck in a chair. That free time is spent either binge watching The Office or reading. I've discovered a lot of blogs with all this reading and have stumbled across quite a few gems on motherhood. So I present to you:
+"You're Too Young to Have A Baby" is an article I know I can relate to. I was pregnant at 22 and now a mom at 23 and I wouldn't have it any other way.

+This parody of Can't Stop, Won't Stop... Having Babies is perfection. I want to be friends with this family.

+I loved this post by Ashley Gardner about how her 8 year journey of infertility prepared her to be a mother to her beautiful quadruplets. Plus the photos are gorgeous.

+Seeing what my body can do during pregnancy and child birth has made me realize how amazing my body really is so I really enjoyed this article about how we need to stop saying babies ruin bodies.

+I thought these doodles of new mommyhood were hilarious! And those are just a small sampling. There's 120 of them in this book that I'm quite tempted to buy.

Want more?
Vol. 5
Vol. 4
                             Vol. 3
Vol. 2
Vol. 1

April 24, 2015

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

This is the first and probably the last time I'll ever post a recipe. But these are the best cookies I've ever had and they must be shared. I may or may not have made this recipe twice this week already. So maybe make these and eat them all in one day that way I don't feel like such a fatty.

  +1 Cup Butter, Softened
  +1 Cup Peanut Butter
  +1 Cup Granulated Sugar
  +1 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
  +1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  +1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
  +2 Eggs
  +1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  +2.5 Cups All-Purpose Flour
  +1 Tablespoon Milk
  +1.5 Cups Chocolate Chips

+In a large mixing bowl, beat together softened butter and peanut butter. Add in the granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, and baking powder. Beat until combined then mix in eggs and vanilla. Slowly mix in the flour then add the milk to make the dough moist and creamy. Add desired amount of chocolate chips (I like to add both semi-sweet chocolate chips and white chocolate chips because I take risks).
+Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Drop cookies onto baking sheet in small balls. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until bottoms turn light brown.
+Makes about 3-4 dozen of the most delicious cookies out there.

April 13, 2015

Lovely Links, Vol. 2

+I'm sure you've all seen the great-legging-debate-of-2015 going around the internet which has luckily died down already. I'm not here to start another discussion on the matter, but I thoroughly enjoyed this comical view point.

+Jenna wrote an article that I love and completely agree with on encouraging light. Such a great reminder!

+I discovered the coolest site ever! Wordmark allows you to view all the fonts you have on your computer at the same time. It makes designing pretty much anything a whole lot easier.

+If you use Instagram (or really any social media), you need to read this post on how to protect your family. It's scary to face the reality, but so necessary to take some precautions.

+I read this article and could not believe how spot on it was! Erin hits the nail on the head about why blogging is hard.

Want more?
Vol. 5
Vol. 4
                             Vol. 3
Vol. 2
Vol. 1

PS- Thanks for all the love on Taylor's birth story. We are doing great and have loved adjusting to being a family of three.

April 8, 2015

Taylor James Snow: A Birth Story

Friday, April 3rd, 2015 (39 weeks and 2 days)

4:10 am- I woke up and forced myself out of bed to use the restroom for the umpteenth time. As I went to sit down, my water broke! I was so ecstatic, but I didn't wake daddy yet. I cleaned myself up and got the rest of our stuff put together to go to the hospital. Then I asked Andrew if he was ready to go have a baby. He jumped out of bed with wide eyes, "Are you serious?" I laughed and told him that my water had broken and it really was time to head to the hospital to get us a baby. I had yet to feel any contractions so I was very calm and very excited. 

4:45 am- We drove to the hospital with our bags in the backseat and the carseat securely installed. It was surreal to think that when we were next in the car, we would have a baby boy buckled up in that carseat coming home with us. When we got to the hospital, I'm sure the nurses thought I was someone they'd have to send home because I was able to walk up to the counter with a smile on my face and tell them why I was there. But indeed, my water had broken so I was instructed to put on a hospital gown and was hooked up to the monitors. I hadn't started feeling the contractions yet, although they were happening. I loved watching each contraction on the monitor because that meant baby time was getting closer. I was only 2.5 cm dilated, but 90% effaced. They decided to see if I progressed in the next couple of hours and if not, they would start me on pitocin.

7:00 am- My doctor swung by the hospital to check on me. I hadn't progressed, but was starting to feel some mild cramping which were supposedly contractions. Dr. Tamanha decided to skip the pitocin for now and let me have more time to progress. I was a little disappointed that nothing had changed and was afraid baby time wasn't going to come for days. At least that's what it feels like when they tell you that you haven't dilated any more than when they last checked.

8:15 am- Andrew and I started walking the halls in hopes to get things moving. That's when it hit, the first "woah" contraction. I had to sit down and did not know what to do to cope with the pain. Once it passed, we headed back to our room, but didn't make it before another contraction hit and I had to grab onto the hall railing. I had a few more huge contractions once back in the hospital bed and was soon shaking from the pain. I was sure that I was being a wimp about the pain though and thought it was too soon to get an epidural. Andrew had the nurses come in to check me anyways and sure enough, I had progressed to 6 cm and was fully effaced. The nurses were really shocked how quickly it had happened. And since I was so far along I asked for that epidural stat.

8:45 am- I have never been more happy to see anyone than I was to see the anesthesiologist. I was a little nervous for how the epidural was going to feel, but at this point, I was crying from the pain of the contractions and didn't care how much the epidural was going to hurt. I was surprised how painless it actually was, just a little uncomfortable. (I guess when it feels like your insides are trying to kill you, a giant needle being stuck in your spin is no big deal.) Once that sucker was in, I only had two more big contractions before the magic started. I still could move my legs, but couldn't feel any pain. It was the perfect epidural and I couldn't have loved that anesthesiologist more. How anyone does it naturally is beyond me, you ladies who do are superhuman! I wouldn't say labor was a breeze from then on out, but it was a million times more enjoyable with the help of that epidural.

12:15 pm- The nurses checked me again and I was 10 cm! I was so incredibly happy to hear that number. My doctor was called to head back to the hospital and we started doing some practice pushes. At first, I had no idea what I was doing and couldn't feel anything to judge whether or not I was making progress, but I soon found my rhythm. Baby had been dropped and ready to go for three weeks so the top of his head was already showing with each push. Andrew told me he saw a head full of dark hair which made me so excited. I thought for sure we would have a bald baby, so hair made my excitement grow even more.

At this point, the nurses noticed that baby's heart rate was dropping each time I pushed. They had me wear an oxygen mask between pushes and we soon found out that he was a lot calmer when I pushed laying on my left side. I thought something like this would freak me out, but surprisingly, I was calm. I had an overwhelming feeling that everything would be fine.

1:00 pm- When my doctor walked into the room all gloved up and ready for the delivery, I suddenly had renewed energy to push. It meant it was go time, that baby boy would soon be here in my arms. Dr. Tamanaha was the best and encouraged me with each push. It felt sort of empowering to bear down each time a contraction came.  With each contraction/push, I just focused on how much closer my baby was each time. It was exhausting, but weirdly rewarding. I can't wait to do it again (and yes, I may be crazy).   

1:15 pm- With one last push, his head emerged. That's when we realized that the reason baby's heart rate was dropping was because the umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck once. Dr. Tamanaha unwrapped the cord and then had Andrew pull the rest of his body out on the next push. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and to see Andrew hold him up then set him on my chest gave me all sorts of feels. The nurses cleaned him off as I stared into his alert little eyes and he cooed at me over and over again.

He was mine. And to know that he knew I was his mom was the best feeling in the world. God trusted me with this perfect little baby. I felt so incredibly loved and blessed to have Taylor in my arms and Andrew by my side. 

April 5, 2015

Introducing Taylor James Snow

He is here! Taylor James Snow was born on April 3, 2015 at 1:14 pm. He came into this world weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. 

Taylor's arrival has made this Easter even more special than usual. I am so thankful for the gospel and the Atonement we have available to us through the Savior. #BecauseHeLives I get to be with my little family for time and all eternity. We are so blessed to have this sweet babe in our arms straight from Heaven.

April 1, 2015

39 Weeks and Still Pregnant

Despite my hopeful post from a week and a half ago, I'm still pregnant. No baby yet. So here is my final bumpdate along with a little video of pictures I've taken throughout my pregnancy. I wish I had been more diligent with weekly photos, but I'm still happy with the amount of photos I did take.

How far along? 39 weeks. Baby is the size of: a small watermelon. Doctor says to expect a 7-8 pound baby. Maternity clothes? I'm past maternity clothes. I wear one of Andrew's shirts and no pants if I can swing staying home all day. Pants are the worse. Sleep? Awful. My bladder has no room so that means countless trips to the bathroom at night. Food cravings? I eat at least one (sometimes two) milkshakes a day. Pregnancy is the best excuse to eat unhealthy. Weight gain/loss? I think my total weight gain has been about twenty five pounds, give or take. I haven't been tracking it that closely. Belly button in or out? Out. Which means this baby is cooked and needs to make his appearance already. Stretch marks? I feel extremely lucky to have made it this far without stretch marks. Crossing my fingers that lasts. Happy or moody? Last week I was pretty moody anxiously waiting for this baby's arrival. When he didn't show, it was tough for me. But now that I have my head wrapped around the fact that he might not come for another week (or possibly two), I'm okay and back to my happy self. Looking forward to: this stubborn little baby's entrance to the world. I am so excited to meet baby boy.

Follow along with my pregnancy:
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