March 26, 2013

I need more bacon.

I am asking for a raise.

Now that it is written, I can't chicken out. The guy I work for owns several businesses. Essentially, he handed me his pest control company and said run this company and don't let it fail. So that's what I do. I perform every and all task to keep his company afloat. As of lately, I have also been running his two landscaping companies. Let me tell you, it's a lot of work.

That one boy I'm seeing has convinced me that I deserve more money and more hours (I only work about 25 hours a week currently). So I'm putting on my big girl pants and asking for a raise even though I am completely terrified of this sort of thing. Wish me luck maybe?


March 18, 2013

Personal High Five

Remember this post when I got a calling for showing up to FHE for the first time ever all for the sake of possibly seeing that hot guy I was into? I'm here to report it was so worth it. Do you recall last week when I blogged about going on that awesome date with a certain young man I had been eyeing? Well guess what. It was the same exact guy, that's what.

There may have been a few more dates since then as well. If he somehow stumbles across my blog, I will die (I didn't use his name so he'll obviously be clueless I'm writing about him, right?). He'll have to understand, it's what the people want. Plus, if he somehow finds my blog, that means he was virtually stalking the crap out of me so we'll both be at fault. Leverage.

March 14, 2013

RIP Google Reader

I'm sure you've heard by now that Google Reader is getting kicked to the curb. Sad day.

Follow me on Bloglovin' so you can keep up with my freakishly amazing blog. I mean seriously, how could you not? Go ahead, click that flashy button down below. Don't be shy.

Follow on Bloglovin

March 13, 2013

Recognizing The Obvious

There's not many times when I'm in the mood to just sit down and write. I usually wait until I have a story to tell before I attempt to put something down on paper. But today, I have an unusual want to write. About nothing. So write I will.

Sometimes, I think words sit and bounce around, trapped in my head. It's not often enough that I stop to realize what they're saying. Today I'm recognizing those thoughts. They're happy thoughts. Thankful thoughts. Gratitude to my Heavenly Father for all the opportunities I've been presented. They're hopeful thoughts. About the future and exciting things that are in the works. They're brave thoughts. Of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying news things. Of constantly striving to become a better person.

I am happy. I am blessed. And I don't take enough time to simply recognize this.
So what was the point of this post? Well there wasn't really one. And it's my blog so I can do what I want.

March 12, 2013

Proof I'm Social

I posted a while ago about the amazing blogger meet-up we had at Sweet Cakes here, but now I have actual pictures to show you thanks to Bonnie Jean Photography!

 Chrissy and Katie

A huge thank you to Sweet Cakes for staying open late just for us and for all the yummy goodies.
Some of the other amazing bloggers that came to the event.

If you're a blogger in Arizona, join our Facebook group so you can come to our next event in May!

March 11, 2013

A certain young man...

Single's wards suck. There's no arguing that. Most activities feel like a ruse to marry you off to the first available RM.


But instead of dwelling on the awfulness of it all, I try to find the humor. I do have quite a few awkward stories from my time so far that I treasure and have won over a number of stalkers. See? Single's wards are great (that's heavy sarcasm if you're not picking it up).

In all seriousness, I benefited greatly from being in a single's ward this weekend. I've had my eye on a certain young man for quite sometime and on Saturday, he took me out. We went to an indoor rock climbing gym and then out to eat at Oreganos. I had the greatest time and it may have changed my opinion towards single's wards (if only a little bit).

Here's to hoping that my single's ward experience continues to be awesome.
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