January 11, 2017

Surviving Two Littles

This is the first week I'm on my own with both kids. Andrew went back to school on Monday after being home for four weeks on his winter break. We really lucked out with Olive arriving during his time off. Andrew was able to be on Taylor duty while I fed Olive around the clock. 

With school back in session, it's just me in the parenting trenches. It hasn't been too bad so far, but there is still some adjusting we're all doing. I'm trying my hardest to make sure Taylor is still getting enough attention, but sometimes it's difficult with a crying newborn who wants to be held all the time. It's a good thing she's cute, even when she is refusing to be put down. 

I've been trying out a few things to make juggling two kids easier. The biggest lifesaver so far has been our Nesting Day carrier. I had tried out a few carriers with Taylor, but wasn't able to find anything that I loved. Having the Nesting Day carrier this time around has been a game changer. I can wear Olive close to me and still be hands-free while playing with Taylor. (A little disclosure, I was given this carrier in exchange for my honest review. And I'm being honest when I say that I love it!)

There have been many days when the only time I can accomplish anything is with Olive in the carrier. She instantly falls asleep, especially when we're skin-to-skin. This carrier is actually designed to be worn to increase skin-to-skin contact. That means you wear it like a t-shirt (if t-shirts had kangaroo pouches), and baby wears nothing but a diaper. 

Before having my own babies, I never knew there were actual, scientifically proven benefits to skin-to-skin. I could try to list all the pros of it, but I found this quote on Nesting Day's site that does a much better job explaining the benefits: "Wearing our skin-to-skin newborn carrier boosts oxytocin levels and lowers cortisol (science talk for more love and less stress), and increases prolactin, for better milk production and greater breastfeeding success. It also promotes healthy attachment and bonding, because the nesting days are when these begin. Newborns need help regulating their own temperature (since they aren’t in that cozy womb anymore!), and mom or daddy’s skin is the perfect heater for their tiny bodies. Finally, our carrier aids in learning baby's cues, so feeding, sleeping and awake time can be more fully enjoyed."

Of course, the carrier doesn't have to be used only for skin-to-skin time, it can also be worn over clothing when out running errands. It has already come in handy while I was shopping at Target and when I had to drag both kids along to see the pediatrician.  I probably wouldn't have survived those solo trips without it. 

If you're on the market for a newborn carrier, you can use code SNOWSTORMBLOG to get a $5 discount. You can also choose to pre-order a carrier for shipment in 4-6 weeks and that will knock an additional $10 off. That means all you pregnant mamas can order in advanced for a total discount of $15. If baby is already here and you want your carrier asap, you can choose to ship it immediately and still get $5 off with my discount code. Click here to check out their website.

And any veteran moms reading, what are your must-have products that help with juggling multiple little humans? Share your wealth of knowledge with the rest of us in the comments below!
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