May 29, 2014

150+ Ways To Make Money Blogging

Let me start out by saying that I'm in no means an expert when it comes to making money through blogging. I've done a few sponsored posts here and there and have had paid sidebar ads on this little blog of mine, but blogging is no where close to being my main source of income. It can be done of course, but it takes a lot of work which can involve way more time than a normal 40 hour work week. So whether you're looking to make it big, or just looking for some extra cash on the side, here are some places to start making money through your blog.

May 26, 2014

Wedding Bridals: Part 2

Happy Memorial Day lovelies! We are spending our day unpacking the last of our boxes and addressing the final thank you cards while watching some Office episodes. We know how to live it up.

For your viewing pleasure this fine day, I present round two of bridals.
(If you missed the first round click here to see them.)

May 19, 2014

Wedding Bridals: Part 1

I am ecstatic to share the first part of our bridals! There are so many pictures that I had to break it into three parts. Our photographer was amazing, which I knew from the beginning, but I was still so shocked at how perfect our pictures turned out. Sorry for the overload, but these had to be shared.

May 16, 2014

Crafty Pants Party: Round Two

Hi, my name's Alicia and I'm a bad blogger. 

Remember when I went to that Crafty Pants Party, oh, I don't know, the beginning of February?! Yeah, still haven't posted about it in the three months that have gone by. I'll just use my favorite excuse, wedding and marriage ya'll. I've been crazy busy. I figured I let this half-written post marinate long enough in my draft folder so here you go.
Everyone knows Chrissy by now, right? Well if you don't, just know she is the happiest, nicest, sparkleiest person out there. Chrissy put together the second Crafty Pants Party a few many Saturdays ago (you can see the first here). Food, bloggers, and crafts makes for a guaranteed good time. Also, big props to Lydia for volunteering her super cool house for the event.

Now for pictures. The high quality, pretty pictures are courtesy of Chrissy and then the blurry pictures are mine. Thank you Chrissy for being an amazing photographer.

May 12, 2014

Wedding Morning: Getting Ready

The morning of the wedding, I got ready over at my mom's house. I did my own make-up and then the lovely Lisa (my brother's girlfriend) did my hair. She is fantastic. The whole morning seemed to go by so sloooww because I was so eager to get on with the show. I wanted to see my handsome groom and get my marriage on. Here are the first of many, many wedding photos.

May 7, 2014


Many of you may know by now about the tragedy our fellow blogger and her family are experiencing right now. Last Friday, Jacqui (from Baby Boy Bakery) and her husband Dan witnessed as their 3 year old son was hit by a truck after running out into the street for a frisbee. I tend to avoid addressing topics such as this, in fear of doing them an injustice, but this event has struck a chord with me. I may not be full of eloquent and beautiful words, but I'm here, doing the small amount that I can to support and lift them up.

May 5, 2014

And so it begins.

Mushy Monday is back. At least until we get through all these wedding/honeymoon/family posts... which there are like a million photos to be shared so be prepared. To start out, I wanted to share this video that Andrew's sister Stephanie put together for our reception. You can see how fat I was as a baby and how adorable Andrew was.


Come back next Monday for the start of wedding photos. I'm so excited to share them!
(Update: click here to see more wedding photos.)
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